Seamless Verification For FIs

Automate customer and business verifications with our secure APIs

Verification Completed !

Individual verified

Business Details Verified

Why Choose Us?

Competitive Pricing

High Success Ratio

Secure & Compliant

Easy Integration

Protect Your Business. Enjoy Peace of Mind.

Powerful API solution for streamlined verification process

Effortless User Onboarding

Remove barriers, mitigate risks, and turn prospects into paying customers with a smooth, secure onboarding experience.

Accelerate Revenue Growth

Streamline KYC/KYB and approvals with customizable workflows powered to enable faster, safer decisions.

Maximize Compliance

Strengthen your business compliant verification processes that reduce fraud and safeguard against regulatory pitfalls.

Our Verification Solution

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Identity verification

Verify different ID’s of the customer such as PAN, Aadhar, Driving License, Passport and Voter ID


Business Verification

Verify business and owners while onboarding such as CIN, DIN, GST and pull information from MCA for detailed verification


Vehicle Verification

Ensure the users’ possession of the vehicles with insurance expiry and challans details.


Employment Verification

Verify the employment status of customer while onboarding without consent


Utility Verification

Verifying different utility bills of  customers of different states in seamless manner


Social Footprints

Check social insights and understand your customer in a better way


Income Verification

Get the range of your customer salary to approve and reject on top of the funnel


Document OCR

AI based OCR for all kind of financial documents




API Hits Per Month